Coreduction Homology Algorithm

CrHomMD is my implementation of the Coreduction Homology Algorithm for general and full cubical sets in dimensions from 2 to 12. The Coreduction Homology Algorithm for dimesions 2,3 and 4 is also available as a part of the CAPD and CHOMP software libraries.


To use it you need to


The basic usage is
    CrHomMD  filename
where filename denotes the name of a file containing a cubical set in one of the admissible formats described below.

File Formats

A cubical set is stored in a text file as a comma seperated set of elementary cubes enclosed in braces. For instance
is the representation of a cubical circle.

File Formats for Full Cubical Sets

Coreduction Homology Algorithm may be applied for general cubical sets as well as full cubical sets. For full cubical sets there are two other text formats available

Binary File Formats

Additionally, the input may be a black and white two dimensional bitmap (*.bmp file) or an extension of this binary format to higher dimension (*.bmd file).


The amount of information provided may be controlled with
where n may be (c) Marian Mrozek, Kraków, 2007