CEC Multilevel Thresholding

Authors: M. Malik, P. Spurek
History: 2014/10/11: First version
Bugs: 0 bug(s) listed.
Plugin: CEC_multilevel_thresholding-1.0.0.jar
Installation: Download CEC_multilevel_thresholding-1.0.0.jar to the plugins folder (restart ImageJ) and there will be a new command: Plugins/Binarization/CEC thresholding
References: M. Malik, P. Spurek, J. TaborCross-Entropy based image thresholding,

CEC Multilevel Thresholding

This plugin presents a novel global thresholding algorithm for the binarization of documents and gray–scale images using Cross Entropy Clustering. Firstly, gray–level histogram is constructed and then the Gaussian densities are fitted for them. The thresholds are then determined as cross– points of the Gaussian densities. This approach automatically detects number components (only the upper limit of Gaussian densities is required).
Let us define the Cross Entropy Clustering for histograms. Firstly, let the space of all possible gray levels be:

Then, the histogram is


means that the color x occurs y times on the image. In the following calculations we consider only colors which exist on the image

In such case as an estimator for mean and variancewe we use

Now we can introduce cost function, which we minimize:


Example: The effect of CEC Multilevel Thresholding on sample gray-scale printed document for 2 thresholds (i.e. 3 clusters). Original image:

original image
Results of thresholding:
  • lower cluster
    lower cluster
  • middle cluster
    middle cluster
  • upper cluster
    upper cluster
The histogram along with chosen thresholds:
image histogram

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