Useful links

Voronoi diagrams, delaunay triangulations, alpha shapes

  1. DotPlacer nice and simple to use dynamic/kinatic java applet presenting diagrams, traingulations, hulls and more
  2. Voroprot Apollonius diagrams (Voronoi for spheres) in 3D
  3. Voro++ powerful library for computing voronoi Diagrams and Power diagrams in 3D with periodic boundary conditions. For C++.
  4. CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithms Library - possibly the biggest geometry package. For C++
  5. DMG-alpha My python / C++ library for computing Voronoi diagrams, Alpha-shapes, Solvent Acccessible Surface and other - suitable for Molecular Modeling


  1. My game fast :P Creating 3D games in Panda3D with examples
  2. LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX useful commands


  1. CAPD Computer Assisted Proofs in Dynamics. Rigorous numerics. For C++
  2. Eigen simple in use vector/algebra library. For C++
  3. Voro++ powerful library for computing voronoi Diagrams and Power diagrams in 3D with periodic boundary conditions. For C++.
  4. Panda 3D very nice and easy to use 3D engine and library. For Python
  5. CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithms Library - possibly the biggest geometry package. For C++
  6. Voroprot Apollonius diagrams (Voronoi for spheres) in 3D
  7. Templado Python/Django library for managing user-defined PDF templates
  8. DMG-alpha My python / C++ library for computing Voronoi diagrams, Alpha-shapes, Solvent Acccessible Surface and other - suitable for Molecular Modeling


  1. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science JU
  2. Institute of Computer Science JU (II.UJ)
  3. Division of Computational Mathematics @ II.UJ
  4. Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology
  5. Department of Computational Biophysics and Bioinformatics @ WBBiB.UJ
  6. Biophysics (M.Sc studies) @ WBBiB UJ


  1. Piotr Zgliczyński


  1. SSDNM joint PhD in Mathematics programme