An installation instruction of the program computing the rigorous lower bound for the stability regions as described in the paper

W. Tucker and D. Wilczak "A rigorous lower bound for the stability regions of the quadratic map."


How to compile the program

The program does not require any additional libraries. Only the C++ standard library is used.
  1. create an empty directory and copy there the archive
  2. please unzip the archive
    tar xvfz logMap.tgz
  3. call 'make'.
    The last command generates an executable file logMap in the current directory.

How to run the program

The program can be run by call ./logMap with the following options
  1. depth=n - this specifies, how many subdivision levels we wish to compute. It is set to 1 by default.
  2. input=inputFileName - a file which contains data from the previous subdivision level. If it is skipped, the interval [2,4] is divided onto 100 equidistributed parts and is taken as an initial partition.
  3. output=outputFileName - a file to which data will be saved after computations. By default output="output/subdivision"
  4. chunkSize=n - this parameter specifies how many lines we want to read from the input file at once. If this parameter is skipped, the program tries to read entire file or throw bad_alloc exception, if the necessary memory is bigger than 2GB (due to 32-bit program).
If depth=N>1 then the output files are subsequently called outputFileName1, outputFileName2,..., outputFileNameN.


./logMap depth=2 input=output/someInitialGrid output=output/subdivision chunkSize=50000

It is strongly recommended to run the program on a multiprocessor computer with low priority in the background, like in the following example:

nice -19 ./logMap input=output/subdivision6 output=output/subdivision7 chunkSize=50000 > logFile &


More informations about libraries can be found on the web page of CAPD group: