Jagiellonian University
Institute of Computer Science
and Computational Mathematics

The Home Page Of Daniel Wilczak

Main Publications Seminars Short CV Software People Contact


CAPD group - Computer Assisted Proofs in Dynamics group (I am one of the main developers)

CHomP - The Computational Homology Project.

COSY infinity - Taylor Models algebra for validated numerics.

CXSC - C++ toolbox for scientific computing.

FADBAD - Flexible Automatic differentiation tools in C++.

GAIO package - Global Analysis of Invariant Objects.

INTLAB - Matlab toolbox for self-validating algorithms.

PROFIL-BIAS package - Programmer's Runtime Optimized Fast Interval Library - Basic Interval Arithmetic Subroutines.

VNODE - A Validated Solver for Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations.